Does Manifesting Go Against Christianity

Is manifesting destructive to Christianity? Manifesting is a widely used philosophical, spiritual and psychological activity, yet when discussed in Christian circles, it is often met with perplexed reactions. In this article, we’ll explore if manifesting is compatible to Christian teaching, or if it is a practice that goes against it.

Manifesting centers on their belief that thoughts become reality. It is a mental practice of visualizing and setting intentions in order to create the life one desires. The intention is that by focusing on these positive thoughts, the universe will manifest them in ‘real’ physical form. In manifesting, they see the universe as an ever-changing field of energy and believe that their thoughts can shift its course. This is done by focusing on beliefs that bring about desired outcomes, be it better job opportunities, more money or overall wellbeing.

What does Christianity have to say about manifesting though? To best answer this, it is important to explore the teachings of the Bible, which serves as the basis for the faith of most Christians. In Christianity, believers are taught to have faith—faith in God and in the miracles that He performs—rather than relying on their thoughts alone to produce desired outcomes. The idea of having faith in something higher than ourselves is a pervasive theme in Christianity.

The concept of manifesting seems to be in conflict with that idea. If one focuses on their thoughts, they are not giving their faith to God, rather they are believing in themselves. This may be perceived as affronting a Christian’s faith as well. Although manifesting does not forbid the idea of having faith in God, it does focus on the idea that there are certain powers within oneself which can manifest desires.

The idea of prayer, a key element in Christianity, is also in conflict with manifesting. In manifesting, one is visualizing and affirming the desired outcome. In prayer, one is asking God or a higher power to provide the desired outcome.

Another possible conflict between manifesting and Christianity is the perceived tension between the two major doctrines. In manifesting, intention of a desired outcome is followed by action toward that outcome. But in Christianity, a trust in a higher power is held, leading to faith-based action. Thus, in some people’s opinion, this conflict between the two can make manifesting incompatible with Christian teachings.

Nevertheless, there are some that believe that by visualizing blessings from God and showing gratitude, it can be a source of faith and a reminder of God’s goodness. Visualizing the presence of blessings in one’s life can be seen as a form of Christianity in itself. In fact, the Bible is filled with stories and scriptures about faith, vision, and manifestation.

Therefore, it would seem that it is not a black and white answer as to whether manifesting goes against Christian teachings. Although there may be a perceived tension between the two, no one can deny that there are many examples in the Bible of people ‘visualizing’ their desired outcomes and showing gratitude for them. Ultimately, it boils down to individual interpretation of how to best honor the teachings of the Bible, and to accept whatever works best for their own spiritual journey.

Is Manifesting Part of the ‘Law of Attraction’?

Manifesting is closely associated with the Law of Attraction (LoA). LoA is a universal law that states that like attracts like, and it is based on the belief that our thoughts, intentions and emotions create our reality. In manifesting, visualizations, affirmations, and meditations are used to attract intended outcomes. Although LoA is often associated with manifesting, it does not necessarily have to be used in combination with it. There may be times when manifesting is done without an active focus on the Law of Attraction.

The Law of Attraction is not mentioned in the Bible, so it is difficult to determine whether it goes against Christian teaching. There are some interpretations of scripture that suggest the Law of Attraction is present in some form. Others suggest that LoA is in opposition to Christianity and its teachings. Whether LoA is in support or opposition of Christianity is up to individual interpretation.

In the end, each person must make the decision as to their stance on LoA and how it relates to their faith. LoA is seen as a form of practice and those who follow it are said to use the LoA as a form of guidance and less reliance on faith.However, LoA is a complex topic and it is likely that there are many different interpretations of it which may relate to Christianity.

Does Manifesting Involve any Rituals?

Manifesting is not a set of rituals. It is more of a spiritual approach that one can take to manifest desired outcomes in their life. The practice of manifesting is based on focusing on desired outcomes, visualizing them and taking action in order to make them a reality. It does not involve any particular rituals or magical methods for achieving desired outcomes.

Rituals may be a part of manifesting, however. This is because rituals are often seen as a way to focus one’s attention and energy on what they desire. So, for example, some people use rituals such as burning incense, lighting a candle, or meditating in order to focus on their desired outcome. These rituals can help them to manifest the outcome they seek.

In terms of Christian teaching, rituals are seen as a form of reverence and respect towards God; a way of acknowledging His presence and power. There is nothing wrong with using rituals in manifesting as long as they are respectful and are seen as a way to honor God.

Can Some Manifesting be Positive?

Yes, some manifesting can be positive. Manifesting is a way of focusing on positive thoughts and intentions, filling one’s mind and energy with whatever it is that they desire. This can allow for an increase in positive energy, leading to increased wellbeing and development.

Some Christians believe that taking this positive approach can be beneficial in terms of aligning oneself with God’s plan. They believe that by focusing on positive thoughts and taking positive action, one can align with God’s plan and create their own destiny. In this way, manifesting can be seen as a way to draw closer to God.

At the same time, it is important to remember that manifesting does not replace faith. As mentioned, manifesting involves taking action and relying on one’s own thoughts and abilities to manifest one’s desires. People who practice manifesting and wish to honor God in their practice, can do so by channeling their intentions through prayer, expressing gratitude, and keeping faith in God’s plan.


Manifesting is a philosophical and spiritual practice that does not necessarily have to go against Christian teachings. There is no one answer as to whether manifesting is compatible with Christianity as it boils down to individual interpretation and how one embraces their faith. Ultimately, it is up to each person to decide how to best honor the teachings of the Bible while pursuing the life they wish to create.

Jennifer Johnson is an experienced author with a deep passion for exploring the spiritual traditions of different cultures and religions. She has been writing about religion and spirituality for the past ten years in both print and digital platforms, engaging readers in meaningful dialogue about the soul's journey through this life. With degrees in Comparative Religion and English Literature, she brings an insightful perspective to her work that bridges the gap between traditional knowledge and modern theories. A lifelong traveler, Jenn has lived in multiple countries exploring various paths to understanding faith, and her dedication to learning new things is palpable in every piece she creates.

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