How Does Christianity Influence Culture

Christianity is one of the foremost influential religions in the world and its teachings and values hold strong influence over our culture. Its traditions and rituals span the globe, reflected in how many people conduct their lives.

The influence of Christianity on culture can be attributed to the founding of religious institutions, beliefs and practices in the 4th Century CE. Through centered worship and outreach initiatives, Christianity had a transformative effect on culture which later grew to encompass both religion and societal life.

Today, many fundamental cultural elements are deeply rooted in Christianity. Education, healthcare and charity are just a few of the many entities created in the name of the faith. People of all backgrounds have found solace and empowerment in these pillars of community, creating a united sense of global culture.

The Christian faith has permeated into our culture through art, literature and music. From highly commended novels like ‘The Da Vinci Code’ by Dan Brown to classic works like ‘The Bible’, Christianity has captivated audiences and inspired generations. Music, too, has maintained much of its Christian roots today, with many contemporary songs rooted with spiritual values.

At a personal level, our relationships, values and moral obligations are often shaped by Christian teachings. Above all, Christianity encourages compassion, altruism and grace – traits we aspire to embody and teach others.

Moreover, many governments and political factions take their values and ideals from the Evangelical Church. Many elected leaders maintain an intimate relationship with God, believing in a divinely mandated mission. This religious influence can be seen throughout history and still exists today.

In many countries, Christianity serves as a cornerstone for moral ethics, family values and civil liberties. Though it can be divided into many denominations, one fact remains certain – Christianity has had lasting consequences on our culture and continues to inform our laws, policies and values.


The founding of college and university institutions has greatly increased access to advanced public education. During the Dark and Middle Ages, many religious figures such as Roman Catholic Pope Gregory VII and Emperor Charlemagne began initiatives such as cloister schools and the Cathedral School of Chartres. These advancements laid the groundwork for newer institutions such as Harvard, Yale and Oxford Universities, increasing knowledge and understanding of the world.

Furthermore, education initiatives, particularly through the church, allowed students to escape political and social unrest. Through religious schools, students could enter a space of refuge, held up to the highest of standards and focused on academic excellence.

Christianity offers specific teachings on a range of topics from morality to history, all which are bridged together in a universal narrative that binds Christians together today. This spiritual knowledge helps to cultivate better citizens, who can solutely function with confidence, wisdom and virtue in their communities.

At a higher level, universities around the world are incorporating Christianity into their lessons, giving students the opportunity to study its intricacies, beliefs and practices. This type of education bolsters the presence of the faith in society, furthering the effects of Christianity on our culture.

Cultural Norms

A large presence of Christian values can be seen in our cultural ‘norms.’ In many countries, long-standing traditions such as weddings, funerals and baptisms include Christian elements, such as prayer and scripture recitation.

These cultural practices have been deeply engrained into our everyday lives, imprinting vital lessons about faith, community and love. From reciting Bible verses to attending Sunday worship, the effects of Christianity can be seen in everyday applications.

Additionally, Christian traditions have also become an everyday part of our conversations and conversations. From popular sayings such as ‘God bless you’ to oaths used when entering a courtroom, this type of vernacular has become an accepted part of our daily lives.

For many people, a church experience is an integral part of growing up. Church leaders and pastors often act as guides or mentors, providing invaluable advice and guidance to the community. At churches, people can come together and pray to their own belief system, understanding their personal responsibility to uphold the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

By assuming a leadership role in many communities, churches have historically attracted members of different backgrounds, creating a safe, yet diverse space for all.

Political influence

The presence of Christian ethics in politics is pervasive. Many establishments and governments, including the United States of America and the United Kingdom, take their core values from the Bible.

Largely, the Evangelical Church has shaped much of public policy, from public health to international constitutional law. This type of influence has been especially seen in legislation such as Roe v. Wade and the Civil Rights Act, which have found support from both Christian and non-Christian groups alike.

Moreover, religious leaders are often consulted to advise and inform the government in the times of need. Their opinions and insights have been used to pass important legislation and their voices have contributed to global understanding.

In many ways, Christian beliefs have transformed social, economic and political entities, creating an open and united range of ideas and beliefs.


Many can agree that the positive effects of Christianity on our culture have been profound. People of all backgrounds and creeds have found refuge, security and solidarity in churches and their teachings, uniting and peacefully co-existing in a shared community.

The presence of Christianity has helped to shape better citizens and stronger societies, erecting a moral conscience that is difficult if not impossible, to ignore. Christianity has created an ethical system that mirrors the natural laws of the universe, thus fortifying the structure of our civilizations.

Through its outreach initiatives, charity and education, Christianity provides communal resources to those in need and builds upon a culture of knowledge and understanding. These aspects of Christianity have given us – as humans – the capacity to explore our universe, embrace diversity and work together in harmony.


Although Christianity has the ability to unite people from all corners of the world, it has also been a source of contention among differing societies. There are studies to suggest that the church has been complicit in social unrest, contributing to critical human rights issues such as homophobia, sexism and racism.

Christianity is also known for its lacking social accountability, in that its default values encourage a hierarchical system which places wealthy men as the head of organisations. These men are often unchecked and unquestioned, leading to powerful institutions that carry a great deal of influence in our world today.

When focusing on the church, it can be said that the presence of Christianity can be exclusionary – deterring ethnic and religious minorities from participating in communities. In many incidents, Christian doctrine has been used to oppress and discriminate against certain identities, favouring its own element of churchgoers.

Moreover, Christianity has been known to violate human rights and freedoms – adopting a strict approach towards opposing values which can be limiting for individuals.

Modern Perspectives

Today, Christianity is often mixed with global culture and is widely accepted as a moral authority. Although there are critiques of the faith, millions of people still practice Christianity and find comfort in its teachings.

Though it is flawed, there is no denying that Christianity has been a cornerstone for our culture, providing life-altering principles and spiritual guidance to countless individuals.

Modern progressions have improved the perception of Christianity in our culture, challenging traditional norms and advocating for more inclusion. Through the internet and various media applications, people have the opportunity to learn more about the faith and its valuable history.

Today, churches have evolved to become a place for people to come for education, resources and a sense of security. Additionally, groups and movements outside the church have challenged commonly held beliefs, contributing to the progress of human rights and understanding its rule.

Ultimately, the presence of Christianity can be seen in many facets of our culture. Although this religion has been a source of contention, its influence has been highly evident and long-lasting. Its impact can be seen in our government institutions, schools, charities, societal values and local communities, creating a unified culture of spiritual tradition, mutual trust and acceptance.

Jennifer Johnson is an experienced author with a deep passion for exploring the spiritual traditions of different cultures and religions. She has been writing about religion and spirituality for the past ten years in both print and digital platforms, engaging readers in meaningful dialogue about the soul's journey through this life. With degrees in Comparative Religion and English Literature, she brings an insightful perspective to her work that bridges the gap between traditional knowledge and modern theories. A lifelong traveler, Jenn has lived in multiple countries exploring various paths to understanding faith, and her dedication to learning new things is palpable in every piece she creates.

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