How To Start Practicing Christianity

Becoming a Christian can be both a fulfilling and life-changing decision for an individual. The ability to practice Christianity requires a conscious effort and dedication. Believing in the religion isn’t enough if it has no meaningful impact in your life. Here are some steps individuals can follow to begin practicing Christianity in a meaningful way:

Create a Sense of Community

One of the first steps to start practicing Christianity is to create a sense of belonging. Being a part of a church or finding a group of fellow believers to journey with helps create a sense of community and connection to the faith. Having a support and accountability system can help one to stay on the spiritual path. Talking to Christian friends, joining a Bible study, or attending church services can all help. Also, connecting with Christ-centered ministries or organizations provides an atmosphere of accountability and encourages members to stay grounded in their faith.

Utilize the Bible

The Bible is the foundational source of knowledge for the Christian faith. It is essential to read the Bible and fill one’s heart and mind with knowledge of the faith. A few popular Bible study approaches include Lectio Divina, which is a time-honored method of Bible reading, praying, meditating and journaling. Through this approach, individuals can understand the Bible’s messages better and can discover meaningful applications for their daily lives. Open-Bible Studies and Bible Challenges are other great ways to study and become more informed about the Bible.


Prayer is probably the most important way to practice Christianity. It is the ultimate connection tool between individuals and God. It is a way for individuals to express their concerns and gratitude for things for which they need to give thanks. Praying helps create a relationship with God and strengthens spiritual discipline. It allows individuals to come close to God and define their relationship with Him. Regularly talking to God, whether it is through formal prayers, conversations, intercessions, or praises, helps to grow spiritually.


Helping people within and outside the church is another great way to practice Christianity. Being a part of a church mission, volunteering in the community, and taking part in charitable actions can make a huge difference. By doing charitable work, individuals can make a tangible impact in people’s life, instead of just talking about the Christian faith. The act of giving fosters a spirit of humility, grace, and generosity in oneself, and it helps to stay grounded in the faith.

Fasting and Sacrificing

Fasting and sacrificing is another way to practice Christianity. It allows individuals to set aside materialistic things for a period of time and use that time for connecting with God. A regular Bible and prayer regimen can supplement fasting and help individuals in understanding God and His will better. Practicing self-denial can allow individuals to focus more on spiritual matters by redirecting their attention away from earthly issues. During this time, individuals may be able to hear more clearly from God.


Evangelism is an important part of practicing Christianity. It is an act of bearing witness to the truth. It is a way to share one’s faith with others and embrace the corresponding responsibilities. Sharing one’s faith involves talking to people and inviting them to church, letting people know that they are loved by God, and, most importantly, letting people know that it is not too late to accept Jesus into their life. It is also important to remember that evangelism is a two-way street, as listening and understanding others’ beliefs helps individuals become better informed about the Christian faith.

Speak Positively

Speaking positively about Christianity is a crucial way to practice it. Negative speaking can undermine one’s faith and contradict the principles of the Christian faith. Instead, it is important to share good news and be an example of love and compassion. Practicing positivity can help to uplift others, who find it difficult to have faith in God, and bring them closer to Him. Practicing Christians can also help other church members to stay in line with the faith and the Bible.


Meditation is another powerful way to practice Christianity. It requires individuals to clear their minds and focus on the inner spirit. Meditating on the Word of God can help one to develop a better understanding of His message and will. Taking time to appreciate what God has done, even in small ways, can help to stay humble in His sight. Additionally, meditation is also a great way to reduce stress and stay mentally healthy.

Be A Part of a Bible-Believing Church

Attending church services is an excellent way to solidify one’s Christian faith. Connecting with a Bible-believing church helps individuals to stay connected to faithful and like-minded believers. As part of a church, members can participate in Bible study, praise and worship services, outreach missions, and other activities that are aimed at spiritual growth and maturity. Church is also a safe place to confess and receive encouragement and support in times of need.

Encourage Others

Being a source of encouragement for others is a great way to practice Christianity. Whether it is volunteering in a church kitchen, helping to clean up a community park, or even just being a listening ear for those who are struggling, individuals can use their abilities and available resources to support their fellow brothers and sisters in Christ. It is important to remember that the church community is meant to be a source of strength and understanding for one another, and that looking out for each other helps to build strong relationships with one another.


Fellowship is another great way to practice Christianity. Being social can help to develop relationships with like-minded individuals that can help to build a strong foundation of faith. Going on hikes, participating in Bible studies and game nights, or joining coffee-house get-togethers are great ways to meet new people and build closer relationships with friends. Being a part of inter-faith gatherings can also be an acceptable way to hear different perspectives and expose oneself to different opinions and viewpoints.

Show Love

Love is an essential pillar of the Christian faith. There is no greater example of love than Jesus himself. It is important to practice acts of love and kindness, whether it is setting aside pride to forgive someone or bringing a meal to a needy family. Showing love and kindness can attract people to the Christian faith, and serve as a beacon of hope and comfort. It is important to remember that the love shown to others should originate from a place of humility and grace.


Tithing is a great way to practice Christianity, as it shows obedience to God. Tithing also displays a desire to put God first in every area of life. It is a show of faith in God’s ability to provide and a tangible way to give back. Setting aside a portion of income helps individuals to stay in line with the Word of God and center their lives on God. It is an act of reverence and a way to support the church and its missions.

Practice Obedience

Obedience is essential to practicing Christianity. Obedience is not simply following orders; it is willingly submitting oneself to God and trusting God’s wisdom, love, and commitment. It involves a more intentional effort to seek and follow His will. Obedience includes many aspects of life, from the daily decisions and the way one talks to others, to how one spends their time and money. Ultimately, it is about trusting that God has the best plan to follow.

Practice Forgiveness

Practicing forgiveness is an important way to practice Christianity. Forgiveness is a powerful tool, and allows for individuals to let go of bitterness and resentment towards those who have wronged them. By showing grace and mercy, individuals can extend forgiveness to others and free themselves from the anguish of unresolved anger. Practicing forgiveness can help individuals to stay centered on God and practice walking in love.

Jennifer Johnson is an experienced author with a deep passion for exploring the spiritual traditions of different cultures and religions. She has been writing about religion and spirituality for the past ten years in both print and digital platforms, engaging readers in meaningful dialogue about the soul's journey through this life. With degrees in Comparative Religion and English Literature, she brings an insightful perspective to her work that bridges the gap between traditional knowledge and modern theories. A lifelong traveler, Jenn has lived in multiple countries exploring various paths to understanding faith, and her dedication to learning new things is palpable in every piece she creates.

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