Which Is Older Christianity Or Judaism

Historical Data

The dispute over which is older, Christianity or Judaism, has been going on for centuries. It’s said that Christianity was founded by Jesus of Nazareth around the start of the Common Era, while Judaism is said to be the religion of the Jewish people since antiquity. However, it is difficult to determine which is truly a more ancient faith – they both have deep, ancient roots.

Judaism is said to have began with the Covenant between God and Abraham in the Hebrew Bible. The origin of Christianity is considered to be around the mid-1st century CE, with the book of Acts clearly detailing the events leading up to Jesus’ crucifixion and his eventual resurrection. This event had a large impact on the development of the Christian faith, with the primary sources being the gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. While both faiths can be traced back to antiquity, it is difficult to pinpoint which is older without further research and analysis.


The development of Judaism is attributed to the Mosaic law – an ancient code of laws that were written by Moses and passed down from generation to generation. This includes the Ten Commandments, which were given to the Hebrew people and established them as God’s chosen people. This became the basis of both the Jewish and Christian faiths, with subsequent interpretations and spiritual practices developed throughout the ages.

The development of Christianity began with Jesus of Nazareth’s preaching throughout Jerusalem. Eventually, his teachings were gathered into the four gospels, which formed the core of the faith. This was supplemented by further developments in Christian theology, firstly with Fathers and great teachers of the Church such as St. Augustine in the 4th century, and later on by more modern figures such as St. Teresa of Avila, St. Francis de Sales, and others.

This faith was eventually established in the 4th century CE and spread throughout Europe, eventually becoming the official religion of the Roman Empire. During this period, Christianity developed and transformed into various denominations that exist to this day.


The major difference between the two faiths lies in the conception of the divine and in the beliefs about the afterlife. Judaism holds on to the belief of one God, while Christianity is based on the belief in the Holy Trinity – God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit. Furthermore, the two faiths differ in their conceptions of the afterlife – Judaism believes in reward and punishment after death, while Christianity holds on to the idea of life everlasting with God in the afterlife, through the grace of Jesus Christ.

The relationship between the two faiths has had a tumultuous history. It wasn’t until the 19th century theologians recognized the crucial role Judaism has played in the development of Christianity. In fact, the whole concept of a universal God was formulated by Old Testament biblical scholars, who believed that the divine was at work in everyone, not just in the chosen few.

In modern times, the differences between the two faiths have been slowly dissipating. In certain countries, interfaith dialogue is occurring, allowing for both religions to gain an understanding of each other’s core beliefs and traditions. Aside from sharing similarities in their conceptions of the divine, the two faiths both have common values in regards to charity and social responsibility.


The primary sources of these two faiths are their scriptures. For Judaism, the Torah is the main source of knowledge and spiritual guidance, while for Christianity, the Bible is the main source. The Torah is a compilation of writings that contain religious, political, and historical information handed down from generation to generation. The Bible on the other hand, is composed of ancient documents known as gospels, which were written in the period between 50 and 100 CE.

The Torah is home for Jewish laws and rituals, and it is the basis for their faith. It is written in classical Hebrew, and it is divided into five sections. The Bible, meanwhile, is written in common languages such as Greek, Latin, and German, and divided into 66 books. It contains both Old Testament, which is mainly attributed to Judaism, and New Testament, which is attributed to Christianity.

Both scriptures are highly revered by their respective faiths, and are seen as the ultimate source of knowledge and guidance. Both can be seen as going hand-in-hand in the development of religion and theology, but their differences are also evident in their sections.

Expert Perspectives

Most experts agree that the dispute of which is older cannot be conclusively answered, as both faiths are deeply entrenched in religious history. Charles Kimball, a professor at Wake Forest University and a leading expert on interfaith relations, believes that the two faiths have a close connection and should be seen as complementary, rather than competitive. He also holds that the two faiths have many similarities in regards to core values and spiritual practices, which should be taken into consideration.

Rabbi Gilah Dror from the Jerusalem clergy believes that it is difficult to pinpoint which faith is truly older, as both have ancient histories. She states that what should be taken into consideration is the impact Jewish philosophy has had on Christianity, and the similarities between their scriptures, which have allowed for a better understanding of both faiths.

Nancy J. Duff, Professor of Christian Theology at Princeton Theological Seminary, believes that the two faiths should be seen as truly intertwined. She believes that Christianity and Judaism should be seen as two sides of the same coin, and that they should strive to form an even closer relationship in order to gain a better understanding of each other in the modern world.

Modern Implications

The two faiths have had a history of animosity, but that is slowly changing in the modern world. Jewish and Christian communities are engaging in interfaith dialogue, in order to gain an understanding of each other as well as to foster better relations. Resources such as conferences and publications are now being utilized to increase mutual understanding between the two religions.

Social media platforms such as YouTube and Facebook have also been a source of strengthening relationships. Jewish and Christian millennials are connecting with each other and learning about the other’s faith, and this has had a huge impact on interreligious relations. This has also been helped by the increasing interfaith presence in the academic world, with religious scholars now heavily researching and promoting a better relationship.

These efforts have had a huge impact on the relationship between the two faiths, and the implications are ever increasing. The modern world is seeing a shift from animosity to mutual understanding and appreciation between the two faiths, and this is a step in the right direction for both Judaism and Christianity.

Josephine Beck is a passionate seeker of religious knowledge. She loves to explore the depths of faith and understanding, often asking questions that challenge traditional beliefs. Her goal is to learn more about the different interpretations of religion, as well as how they intersect with one another.

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